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Site Balance Solution

TraceAir provides teams on large land development projects
with the tools to balance their jobs with the least amount of resources

TraceAir for Grading Contractors

TraceAir provides you with the tools to reduce costs by reducing rework, optimizing equipment operations, and ultimately win more jobs

Balance Problems Are Your Problems

If discovered late, balance problems leave less room to adjust grading operations

Lump sum contracts require you to "cut to balance", so any balance issues affect your business directly

Problems often slow down
operations thus leading
to underutilization 
of labor
and equipment

Take Part in the Balance Solution

TraceAir helps grading contractors to be a developer's trusted advisor and ultimately win more jobs

Bring new value-added services
to a land developer to differentiate yourself from competition
and win more jobs

Provide new services,
like setting and maintaining
flight markers and building
sub-ex models

Train your grade setters
to fly drones, offer new services, and help solve balance issues 

Additional Features for Grading Contractors

TraceAir software tools are so intuitive that everyone can use them with no technical training

Cut/Fill quantities updated overnight after every flyover allow you to make informed decisions and move less dirt twice

Haul Roads and Pioneering tools allow you to save time and increase equipment utilization 

Measure quantities, elevations, areas, and distances with no CAD software or technical training

Near real-time visual information from the site to make instant decisions in the grading meetings - less time debating, more time grading

What our Clients Say


"In today's market, where developers are starting projects before final approvals, you need the ability to move and work around the challenges. TraceAir's platform allows the contractor to move to other areas and continue production without the risk of doing work out of sequence or dirt flow. This keeps the project from falling behind while allowing the engineers time to keep up."

Ron Nooteboom | VP of Operations | Independent Construction Company

Anchor 5

Case Study

How Pardee Homes balanced 
a 27MM yd³ jobsite to just 20K yd³
using TraceAir


Bring TraceAir to your Project

Contact us to know more about the TraceAir solution and how it can benefit your operations.
Call us at (650) 569 0309 
or fill in the form and we will call you back

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Ленинская Слобода, 19 корпус 1, Москва, Россия

© 2022 TraceAir    ООО «ТрэйсЭйр»

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