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Site Balance Solution

TraceAir provides teams on large land development projects
with the tools to balance their jobs with the least amount of resources
TraceAir helps you to invest your time on revenue-generating activities and not on design changes due to site balance issues

TraceAir for Civil Engineers

Balance Problems Hinder Your Business

Original Ground (OG) topo may not be up-to-date or accurate

Dirt volume calculations may be off due to imperfect OG

Bulk/Shrink assumptions are usually incorrect

Design in 2D limits the ability to check if the site is balanced and leads to time-consuming iterations

Better OG with TraceAir leading to fewer iterations

Take Part in the Balance Solution

Better OG with TraceAir leading to fewer iterations

More accurate site balance estimates from the start and accurately calculated bulk/shrink coefficients during the project

Use our software tools to calculate volume changes and estimate site balance impact in real time

What our Clients Say


"TraceAir allows us to evaluate important site balance issues early on in the each of the grading phases; remedial, canyon clean outs, cut slope bulk shrink characterization,
so that timely and efficient adjustments can be made."

Tom Banks | VP of Development | FivePoint

Anchor 3

Case Study

How Pardee Homes balanced 
a 27MM yd³ jobsite to just 20K yd³
using TraceAir


Bring TraceAir to your Project

Contact us to know more about the TraceAir solution and how it can benefit your operations.
Call us at (650) 569 0309 
or fill in the form and we will call you back

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Ленинская Слобода, 19 корпус 1, Москва, Россия

© 2022 TraceAir    ООО «ТрэйсЭйр»

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